Return & Exchange
1. Return & Exchange
- If you haven’t received the shipping notification, you can cancel or modify this order by contacting our customer service by email. Our customer service will help you cancel or modify the order within 24H after receiving your email. Since the email is not an instant reply, we may find that your order has been sent when we process your email within 24H. In this case, we can only say sorry for that, and we can’t help you cancel or modify the order anymore. So please check the order information carefully before placing the order.
- If you have received the shipping notification, please note that we CANNOT cancel or modify orders anymore. Therefore, please wait for your package to arrive and you may either keep it or contact us to return it for a refund. Please DO NOT refuse the delivery as the undelivered package will be destroyed by third-party logistics.
- You must first contact us and get our written approval before sending any item back. Any product returned without acceptance will not be refunded.
- Cut to size items and special orders may not be returned unless it has been determined to be provided in error by Our Company. If the returned goods affect the second sale, our company will be appropriate to charge fees and packaging fees.
- Acceptance time for return and exchange:30days upon arrival; The round-trip shipping cost will be borne by the customer for personal reasons like-dislike( Not product quality issue); We will offer full refund or exchange if major defective on products and shipping cost are all born by Fiido; Our warranty policy will be in effect upon the receipt of goods.
2. Warranty And Guarantee
The warranty period for a bicycle is as follows. If the customer finds non-human damage within the warranty period, we will send the replacement parts free of charge.
After the warranty period, the customer has to pay replacement parts and shipping fees. The bike which we sell are factory new regular products, all parts are the same as the original parts.
3. Warranty Coverage
Main parts:

Basic Parts: